by Michelle Robertson - OLA Communications Officer | May 5, 2022 | Africa, Justice, OLA News
We are delighted that the radio documentary, “Silence Would...
by Michelle Robertson - OLA Communications Officer | May 3, 2022 | OLA News, Spirituality
“There is no other way of being Christian than to be vulnerable,”...
by Michelle Robertson - OLA Communications Officer | April 22, 2022 | Care for Creation, Environment, Justice, Reflections, Spirituality
There are so many different days dedicated to Environmental...
by Michelle Robertson - OLA Communications Officer | April 19, 2022 | Justice, Women
Can you close your eyes and imagine for one moment what it would...
by Michelle Robertson - OLA Communications Officer | April 11, 2022 | Prayer, Reflections, Spirituality
It’s important to regularly take the time to examine our conscience, to...