We are delighted to be collaborating with the Society of African Missions for the SMA Summer School 2022, which will once again be taking place online via Zoom.

Theme: Sufficiency Not Growth, Towards a More Sustainable Future.

The Summer School provides high-quality, evidence-based knowledge and insight on matters of social and environmental justice within a faith context, with a view to supporting those committed to advocating for more just and sustainable policies in Ireland.

The focus for 2022 is on the current ecocidal and socially destructive system of unconstrained growth, profit and consumption and we will be looking at the questions of whether there is another way for us to live together on this planet, and to use its resources more justly, wisely and sustainably.

Date:         Saturday 18th June to Sunday 19th of June  

There is no charge for this event.


To book your place, click here!




Chaired by Colette Bennett – Social Justice Ireland

Saturday 18 June

Morning Session

10 00am        Welcome by Fr Kelly SMA Chairperson, Collette Bennet introduces the theme of the Summer School

10 15am        Growth versus Sufficiency, Prof John Barry and Dr Anne B Ryan Q&A

11 50am        Workshop

12 30pm        Morning Session Closes


Afternoon Session

14 00pm        What Would Sufficiency Look Like? Prof Dadhbh O’Neil, Dr Sean Healy and Dr Tom McDonnell

15 50pm        Workshop: Testing our Decisions , Rachel Power

16 30pm        Summary and Close