‘Illumination in Dark Times – The Surprising Contemporary Relevance of Catholic Social Teaching’ is the topic of the inaugural JCFJ Annual Lecture, featuring Professor Anna Rowlands.

Dr Rowlands is a Professor of Catholic Social Thought & Practice at the Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University whose research interests include Forced Migration, Political Theology, Catholic Social Thought (CST), Gillian Rose, Simone Weil, and Hannah Arendt.

Her most recent book â€˜Towards a Politics of Communion: Catholic Social Teaching in Dark Times’ takes a fresh approach in weaving overviews of the central principles of CST with the development of thinking on political community and democracy, migration, and integral ecology, and considering the increasingly critical questions concerning the role of CST in a pluralist and post-secular context.

As questions of forced migration and democracy are once again headline news, Dr Rowland’s considered thinking about these issues in a Christian framework is timely and important.

The lecture takes place on Thursday March 24th at 7pm at the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice in Upper Gardiner Street, Dublin. It is a free event but registration is necessary.

Sign up here with Eventbrite to confirm your place at this event.

Please contact info@jcfj.ie with any questions.