Care for Creation Resources:
Care for Creation, a Christian Perspective
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 1
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 2
Climate Policy, Ideology and the Prophetic Imagination of Laudato Si’ Part 3
Fratelli Tutti, Care for the Natural World and Integral Ecology
From our Blog…
Care for Creation: A Christian Perspective
The Old Testament: Three Principles of Care for Creation God is the creator and owner of the world in all its richness, diversity and order. He remains active in sustaining creation. The Old Testament recognises the special place of the human being in creation. God...
Jubilee for the Earth, New Rhythms, New Hope
The theme for the 2020 Season of Creation, Jubilee for the Earth, New Rhythms, New Hope, is especially apt for this time. Life as we know it has been turned upside down over the last several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The world responded with urgency....
President Higgins Addresses Intergenerational Climate Conference
Sr Nora Lucy shakes hands with President Michael D Higgins The Cork Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice took place in City Hall last week and OLA were thrilled to have been a part of the organising committee for this event. The event was a huge success...
The Web of Life
The 2019 Season of Creation has begun and Pope Francis’s statement for the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation calls for prayer, repentance, and conversion of life. It references the upcoming climate action summit at the U.N. and urges us to reflect on our...