Justice Projects

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Coming Up


  • Facebook Live Panel Review of TIP 2024 Report: In June/July, subject to the release of the 2024 report, we will host a Facebook Live Panel Review on Trafficking in Persons (TIP 2024) report.
  • Annual Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice: Our Annual Conference on Intergenerational Climate Justice will return on 17 October 2024.

Past Events


  • Earth Day Event at Ardfoyle: The Earth Day event at Ardfoyle took place in collaboration the Cork Three Faiths Forum on April 27th. Read more about it here – Sacred Earth: Interfaith Gathering at Ardfoyle
  • The Weaponisation of Cultural Beliefs in Human Trafficking: our webinar explored the intersection of cultural beliefs and human trafficking, learning how traditional oath-taking rituals and the influence of juju (magic) become insidious ‘control mechanisms,’ ensnaring victims in bondage and leaving them at the mercy of traffickers. Read the detailed summary and watch the replay, click here.


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  • Who Pays for Christmas?: Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) Ireland hosted a webinar in December 2023. As co-founders of the Irish antennae, we collaborated on this event, exploring the human and environmental costs of consumerism during Christmas, and uncovered actionable steps to ensure that our local efforts have a global impact, reaching communities in Africa and beyond.

  • The 2023 Intergenerational Climate Conference: The Fourth Conference took place in October 2023 and highlighted the relationship between the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis. Together, with guest speakers and through interactive exercises, we explored the meaning and importance of thinking ecologically.

  • Make it Your Business: The OLA Sisters, as founding members of the Irish Antenna of the AEFJN, are supporting the Irish Coalition for Business and Human Rights. Find our more here: OLA Sisters Co-Found New Irish Antenna of AEFJN

  • An Overview of the Universal Periodic Process: You are invited to watch the overview of the Universal Periodic Review process of the UN Human Rights Council and our joint submission.  We have presented and explained the joint submission to the UPR of Ireland to which many of you added your signatures of support.
  • Migrations in Our Common Home: As the world grapples with the devastating consequences of intensifying climate change, this policy brief examines how climate change is impacting migration.