On Tuesday 15th February 2022, the OLA Sisters, in partnership with SMA Ireland, hosted a webinar on How Supply Chains Facilitate Human Trafficking. We would like to thank the speakers:
- Keith Adams of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice who spoke about the reality of human trafficking and corporate supply chains;
- Sorcha Tunney of the Irish Coalition for Business and Human Rights who explained why corporate accountability legislation is needed as a tool to prevent human rights abuses, including human trafficking and modern day slavery.
It was an extremely informative evening with over 160 attendees and we are grateful to each of you who attended and supported this initiative to combat the scourge of trafficking. .
At the webinar we asked you to join us in taking action. The effectiveness of writing letters to our elected representatives is an important, and often overlooked, part of citizenship. We encourage you to join us in this specific act of advocacy by downloading the letters that we shared during the webinar and sending them to the representatives listed below.
You can download the letters here:
- Letter to the Minister of State, Robert Troy TD: Draft Letter to Minister Troy – 15 Feb 22
- Letter to Ireland’s MEPs: Draft Letter to MEPs – 15 Feb 22
- List of addresses for Ireland’s MEPs: MEP Postal Addresses
As you can see we have provided a single draft letter to be sent to each of the MEPs. When you open this draft letter, you will see a space to include your own address in the top right hand corner, and a space to include the MEPs name and address on the left. You can copy the MEPs name and address from the list provided. While the letters cover the important details and request, you are welcome to personalise them.
Having sent your letters, you may receive a response, we request that you to share those responses with us at communications [at] olaireland.ie.
Keith Adams has very kindly made his slides available here: FINAL – Labour Exploitation 150222 – JCFJ