The Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) and the Society of African Missions (SMA) are excited to be hosting an online seminar via Zoom:
Laudato Si’ and Community Activism against Environmental Destruction
Date: Tuesday 28th July 2020
Time: 19:00 – 21:00 (IST)
We would love you to join us!
The webinar explores the role of community activism for environmental protection as theorized by Pope Francis in Laudato Si’ and explores what that looks like and how it functions in real life.
Our speakers represent grassroots campaigns resisting the destruction of their local environment by corporate interests, with contributions from:The Love Leitrim campaign against fracking,
The Save Our Sperrins campaign against toxic gold-mining in Tyrone,
The Cork Harbour Alliance for a Safe Environment (CHASE) campaign against the construction of an incinerator in Cork.
Fr Donal Dorr, theologian, will speak about what Laudato Si’ has to say about the role of community activism in protecting our environment, while Sr Majella McCarron OLA, missionary, will provide a reflection that considers theory and practice.
We invite you to tune in on 28th July at 19:00 (IST)
Book your space by clicking the link below:
Spaces are limited, so book now!
Once you have indicated your interest in attending you will receive an email with the link to the Zoom Meeting. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder and if you are using Gmail, check your Promotions and Social folders. Please keep this email and follow the link on the date and time of the webinar.